Retail price: $8,999.00 Our price: $4,724.00 each

All Prices Includes Delivery, Setup & Mattress Removal

The Royal Bliss is the result of an eight-year journey for PlushBeds, as we traveled through Europe to develop the world's finest natural mattress. From sourcing the most exclusive natural fibres available, to procuring one-of-a-kind machinery, then training with craftsmen to learn techniques perfected over generations; we have taken an uncompromising approach to the Royal Bliss in our pursuit of the perfect night's sleep. Proudly handmade in our certified organic manufacturing plant in California with over 100 craftsman hours invested in each mattress, the Royal Bliss only uses sustainable materials such as handmade organic Calico Coils, Cashmere, Silk, Alpaca, Horsetail Hair, Organic Latex, and Organic Cotton, several of which are from the same UK resources that supply to the Royal Family. You may not live like a Queen, but now you can sleep like one on this “off the menu”, one-of-a-kind bedroom indulgence.

The Royal Bliss is our flagship mattress. It is an all-natural, custom-handmade mattress designed to last a lifetime. Embracing both tradition and innovation, the Royal Bliss sets the standard for luxurious, healthy sleep. Every Royal Bliss mattress is hand-made for each customer and is personally designed to bring you comfort, relaxation, and pleasure. You will never own a more comfortable and beautiful mattress. 

The all-natural comfort materials:

There are NO memory foams and NO glues. Instead, we use materials like natural, premium British fleece organic wool, and GOTS-certified organic cotton. As pure as fields and pastures. The all-natural materials are steamed and cleaned until they are hypoallergenic, and remain fresh for the life of the mattress

100% Sustainable Mattresses:

The Royal Bliss mattress contains no polyurethane foam and only uses natural, sustainable materials. Recycled steel and exotic components such as certified cashmere, alpaca, horsetail hair, organic latex, and organic cotton make the Royal Bliss good for you and the environment.


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